Mouza Meaning
Mouza is the lowest or smallest revenue collection unit in the district, which is become more popular in 20 Century, one or more villages make mouza, or a group of villages is called a mouza and a group of mouza makes Pargana/District revenue.
Mouza is the small part of the Pargana/District Revenue, at before a group of villages make mouza but now slowly village developed, population increase now a single village is also called a mouza due to huge population.
Mouza Identification
A Mouza had a fixed land area and on that area there were the rural settlement or settlements, the peoples of that mouza pay the revenue to the revenue collector for being a settlements of that particular mouza, mouza include one or more village, but due to high population and developed village nowadays one single village is also called a mouza.
Must Read Top 100 Gk Question Answer In English
How can I know my Mouza in West Bengal?
To know your Mouza in West Bengal, the candidate should go to the official website click on tap and past your District, paste your Registration office: Example and select your Police Station and click on display.
List of Mouza in west Bengal
To know the list of Mouza in west Bengal follow the above mention Mouza in West Bengal.
Mouza wise Land Information
To know the Mouza and to download the Mouza Map and also to know the Mouza wise Land Information candidate have to to the Official Website of of land reform website fill the basic details and submit.
What is the full form of JL No?
The full form of JL No is Jurisdiction List Number.
What is meant by mauja?
Ans Mouza is the lowest or smallest revenue collection unit in the district, which is become more popular in 20 Century, one or more villages make mouza, or a group of villages is called a mouza and a group of mouza makes Pargana/District revenue.
What is Mouza in West Bengal?
Ans Mouza is the small part of the Pargana/District Revenue, at before a group of villages make mouza but now slowly village developed, population increase now a single village is also called a mouza due to huge population.
How do I find my Mouza?
Ans To know your Mouza in West Bengal, the candidate should visit the site new tap will open and past your District, paste your Registration office: Example and select your Police Station and click on display.
What is the meaning of Mouza?
Ans Mouza is the small part of the Pargana/District Revenue, at before a group of villages make mouza but now slowly village developed, population increase now a single village is also called a mouza due to huge population.
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